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A class is just any arbitrary yaml file with a few rules attached. For the most part you are free to do whatever you want inside a class.

Think of classes as building-blocks which describe different aspects of your project.

Class Rules

In order for your inventory to be maintainable by Skipper, there are a few - very basic - rules which you need to comply.

  1. There can only be one root key inside the class
  2. The root key must match the filename of your class. A class project.yaml is expected to use project as root key.
  3. The class cannot be called target.yaml

Example Use-case

You got yourself a little project where you need to setup some cloud resources, nice!

  • You want to use terraform (at least for now, maybe you need to switch in the future)
  • You want to store the terraform state remotely
  • You want to have a script which bootstraps the storage of your state
  • You need various deployments of the same infrastructure (dev, staging, production, qa, ...)

We're not going down the rabbit-hole why generating terraform code is inhertently a better idea than to write it manually, just roll with it for now. If you're really curious, check out this short summary by Eden Reich.